Publications de Marie-Soleil Cloutier
Critères de sélection pour affiner la recherche
Type de publications:
Recherche à l'aide de mots-clés

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Options choisies:

Auteur: Marie-Soleil Cloutier
Type de publications: Articles publiés (RAC)
Année de début: 2020
Année de fin:
Mot clé dans le titre:
Nom de famille d'un co-auteur:
Tri à l'intérieur de chaque année: Ordre alphabétique

Articles publiés (RAC)

Beauchamp E., Saunier Nicolas, Cloutier Marie-Soleil, Study of automated shuttle interactions in city traffic using surrogate measures of safety, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 135, 2022

Miladi M., Waygood Owen D., Cloutier Marie-Soleil, Wang Bobin, Distractions or Long Waits? Impacts on Risky Crossing Behavior, Journal of Transport & Health, 25, 101435, 2022

Cloutier Marie-Soleil, Lachapelle Ugo, The effect of speed reductions on collisions: A controlled before-and-after study in Quebec, Canada, Journal of Transport & Health, vol. 22, #101137, 2021

Huguenin-Richard F., Cloutier Marie-Soleil, Mesure du potentiel de marche et de l'accessibilité dans les espaces urbains pour les piétons âgés, Flux, 2021

Lachapelle Ugo, Carpentier-Laberge D., Cloutier Marie-Soleil, Ranger L., A framework for analyzing collisions, near misses and injuries of commercial cyclists, Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 90, #102937, 2021

Ling R., Rothman L., Hagel B., Macarthur C., Winters M., Churchill T., Hubka T., Macpherson A., Cloutier Marie-Soleil, Howard A., The relationship between motor vehicle speed and active school transportation at elementary schools in Calgary and Toronto, Canada, Journal of Transport & Health, 2021

Quintin H., Cloutier Marie-Soleil, Sécurité vécue et perçue par les piétons aux intersections signalées: comparaison entre l'environnement bâti, routier et le phasage des feux à Montréal et Québec, Canada, Recherche, Transport, Sécurité, 13 pages, 2021

Rothman L., Hagel B., Howard A., Cloutier Marie-Soleil, et al., Active school transportation and the built environment across Canadian cities: Findings from the child active transportation safety and the environment (CHASE) study, Preventive Medicine, 2021

Cloutier Marie-Soleil, Beaulieu Émilie, Fridman L., Macpherson A., et al., State-of-the-art review: preventing child and youth pedestrian motor vehicle collisions: critical issues and future directions, Injury Prevention, 2020

Fridman L., Ling R., Rothman L., Cloutier Marie-Soleil, et al., Effect of reducing the posted speed limit to 30 km per hour on pedestrian motor vehicle collisions in Toronto, Canada - a quasi experimental, pre-post study, BMC Public Health, 2020

Hosford K., Cloutier Marie-Soleil, An observational study of pedestrian and cyclist interactions at intersections in Vancouver, BC and Montréal, QC, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 12-16 janvier, Washington, 2020

Ling R., Rothman L., Cloutier Marie-Soleil, Macarthur C., Howard A., Cyclist-motor vehicle collisions before and after implementation of cycle tracks in Toronto, Canada, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 135: 1-10, 2020

Toulouse C., Amiri S., Cloutier Marie-Soleil, Saunier Nicolas, Speed limit changes and driver behaviour: A spatial lag model, Transport Findings, 2020

Bureau de Québec

Pavillon Palasis-Prince, bureau 2415
2325, rue de la Terrasse
Université Laval
Québec (QC) G1V 0A6

Téléphone: 418 656-2073

Télécopieur: 418 656-2624


Bureau de Montréal

Pavillon André Aisenstadt, bureau 3520
2920, chemin de la Tour
Université de Montréal
Montréal (QC) H3T 1J4

Téléphone: 514 343-7575


Dernière mise à jour: 2024-07-25