Publications de Owen Waygood
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Recherche à l'aide de mots-clés

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Auteur: Owen Waygood
Type de publications: Articles publiés (RAC)
Année de début: 2020
Année de fin:
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Nom de famille d'un co-auteur:
Tri à l'intérieur de chaque année: Ordre alphabétique

Articles publiés (RAC)

Lättman Katrin, Olsson L., Waygood Owen D., Friman M., Nowhere to go – Effects on elderly's travel during Covid-19, Travel Behaviour and Society, Vol. 32, 100574, 2023

Naseri H., Waygood Owen D., Wang Bobin, Patterson Zachary, Interpretable Machine Learning Approach to Predicting Electric Vehicle Buying Decisions, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2677(12), 704-717, 2023

Wang Bobin, Waygood Owen D., Ji X., Naseri H., Loiselle A.L., Daziano R.A., Patterson Zachary, Feinberg M., How to effectively communicate about greenhouse gas emissions with different populations, Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 147, pp. 29-43, 2023

Chen M., Sun Y., Waygood Owen D., Wang D., Liu D., Will they ride them back? User behavior on public bikesharing schemes: Case study of Hangzhou, China, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2022

Dong Y., Sun Y., Waygood Owen D., Wang Bobin, Huang P., Naseri H., Insight into the nonlinear effect of COVID-19 on well-being in China: Commuting, a vital ingredient, Journal of Transport & Health, 27, 101526, 2022

Marleau Donais F., Abi-Zeid I., Waygood Owen D., Lavoie R., Municipal decision-making for sustainable transportation: Towards improving current practices for street rejuvenation in Canada, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 156, pp. 12-170, 2022

Miladi M., Waygood Owen D., Cloutier Marie-Soleil, Wang Bobin, Distractions or Long Waits? Impacts on Risky Crossing Behavior, Journal of Transport & Health, 25, 101435, 2022

Naseri H., Waygood Owen D., Wang Bobin, Patterson Zachary, Application of Machine Learning to Child Mode Choice with a Novel Technique to Optimize Hyperparameters, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(24), 16844, 2022

Naseri H., Waygood Owen D., Wang Bobin, Patterson Zachary, Daziano R.A., A Novel Feature Selection Technique to Better Predict Climate Change Stage of Change, Sustainability, 14(1), 40, 1-23, 2022

Waygood Owen D., Wang Bobin, Daziano R.A., Patterson Zachary, Kohlova M.B., The climate change stage of change measure: vehicle choice experiment, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 65(7), 1210-1239, 2022

Cassivi A., Tilley E., Waygood Owen D., Dorea C., Evaluating self-reported measures and alternatives to monitor access to drinking water: A case study in Malawi, Science of the Total Environment, papier 141516, vol. 750, 10 pages, 2021

Cassivi A., Tilley E., Waygood Owen D., Dorea C., Household practices in accessing drinking water and post collection contamination: A seasonal cohort study in Malawi, Water Research, papier 116607, vol. 189, 12 pages, 2021

Cassivi A., Tilley E., Waygood Owen D., Dorea C., Seasonal preferences and alternatives for domestic water sources: A prospective cohortstudy in Malawi, ACS EST Water, vol. 1(6), pp. 1464-1473, 2021

Daziano R.A., Waygood Owen D., Patterson R.A., Feinberg M., Wang Bobin, Reframing greenhouse gas emissions information presentation on the Environmental Protection Agency's new-vehicle labels to increase willingness to pay, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 279, papier 123669, 14 pages, 2021

De Vos J., Waygood Owen D., Letartre L., Cao M., Do frequent satisfying trips by public transport impact its intended use in later life?, Transportation, 2021

El-Murr K., Robillard A., Waygood Owen D., Boisjoly Geneviève, Walking accessibility to parks: Considering number of parks, surface area and type of activities, Findings, 2021

Laviolette J., Morency Catherine, Waygood Owen D., Goulias K.G., Car ownership and the built environment: A spatial modeling approach, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, en ligne, 21 octobre, 2021

Letartre L., Gagnon P., McKay R., Quesnel-Vallée A., Waygood Owen D., Lebel A., Examining longitudinal patterns of individual neighborhood deprivation trajectories in the province of Quebec: A sequence analysis application, Social Science and Medecine, vol 288, papier 113695, 2021

Marleau Donais F., Abi-Zeid I., Waygood Owen D., Lavoie R., A framework for post-project evaluation of multicriteria decision aiding processes from the stakeholders' perspective: Design and application, Group Decision and Negotiation, vol. 30, pp. 1161-1191, 2021

Mitra R.D., Waygood Owen D., Fullan J., Subjective well-being of Canadian children and youth during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of the social and physical environment and healthy movement behaviours, Preventive Medicine Reports, vol. 23, papier 101404, 2021

Wang Bobin, Waygood Owen D., Daziano R.A., Patterson Zachary, Feinberg M., Does hedonic framing improve people's willingness-to-pay for vehicle greenhouse gas emissions?, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, vol. 98, papier 102973, 2021

Cassivi A., Tilley E., Waygood Owen D., Dorea C., Trends in access to water and sanitation in Malawi: Progress and inequalities (1992–2017), Journal of Water and Health, vol. 18(5), pp. 785-797, 2020

Chen M., Wang D., Sun Y., Waygood Owen D., Yang W., A comparison of users' characteristics between station-based bikesharing system and free-floating bikesharing system: Case study in Hangzhou, China, Transportation, vol. 47(2), pp. 689-704 (publié le 2 août 2018), avril, 2020

De Vos J., Waygood Owen D., Letartre L., Modeling the desire for using public transport, Travel Behaviour and Society, vol. 19, pp. 90-98, 2020

Laviolette J., Morency Catherine, Waygood Owen D., Persistance de l'automobilité ? Analyse en trois perspectives, Flux, vol. 119-120(1-2), pp. 142-172, 2020

Letartre L., Pomerleau Y., Tchernof A., Biertho L., Waygood Owen D., Lebel A., Neighbourhood effects on obesity: Scoping review of time-varying outcomes and exposures in longitudinal designs, BMJ Open, vol. 10(3), 14 pages, 2020

Tang X., Wang D., Sun Y., Chen M., Waygood Owen D., Choice behavior of tourism destination and travel mode: A case study of local residents in Hangzhou, China, Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 89, papier 102895, 2020

Waygood Owen D., Olsson L., Taniguchi A., Friman M., The role of children's independent mobility and social media use for face-to-face social interaction with friends, Transportation, vol. 47(4), pp. 1987-2009 (première parution: 23 juillet 2019), août, 2020

van den Berg P., Waygood Owen D., van de Craats I., Kemperman A., Factors affecting parental safety perception, satisfaction with school travel and mood in primary school children in the Netherlands, Journal of Transport & Health, vol. 16, papier 100837, 11 pages, 2020

Bureau de Québec

Pavillon Palasis-Prince, bureau 2415
2325, rue de la Terrasse
Université Laval
Québec (QC) G1V 0A6

Téléphone: 418 656-2073

Télécopieur: 418 656-2624


Bureau de Montréal

Pavillon André Aisenstadt, bureau 3520
2920, chemin de la Tour
Université de Montréal
Montréal (QC) H3T 1J4

Téléphone: 514 343-7575


Dernière mise à jour: 2024-07-25