Options choisies: Auteur: Jean-Yves Potvin Type de publications: Articles publiés (RAC) Année de début: 2021 Année de fin: Mot clé dans le titre: Nom de famille d'un co-auteur: Tri à l'intérieur de chaque année: Ordre alphabétique
Articles publiés (RAC)
Gmira Maha, Gendreau Michel, Lodi Andrea, Potvin Jean-Yves, Tabu search for the time-dependent vehicle routing problem with time windows on a road network, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 288(1), pp. 129-140, 2021
Gmira Maha, Gendreau Michel, Lodi Andrea, Potvin Jean-Yves, Managing in real-time a vehicle routing plan with time-dependent travel times on a road network, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 132, 103379, 2021
Mathlouthi I., Gendreau Michel, Potvin Jean-Yves, A metaheuristic based on tabu search for solving a technician routing and scheduling problem, Computers & Operations Research, vol. 125, 105079, 2021
Mathlouthi I., Gendreau Michel, Potvin Jean-Yves, Branch-and-price for a multi-attribute technician routing and scheduling problem, SN Operations Research Forum, Vol. 2 (1), 2021