Dernières publications
 | Lamghari Amina, Dimitrakopoulos R., Ferland J.A., A hybrid method based on linear programming and variable neighborhood descent for scheduling production in open-pit mines, Journal of Global Optimization, en ligne, le 18 avril 2014, doi:10.1007%2Fs10898-014-0185-z, 2014 |
 | Lamghari Amina, Dimitrakopoulos R., Ferland J.A., A variable neighborhood descent algorithm for the open-pit mine production scheduling problem with metal uncertainty , Journal of the Operational Research Society, en ligne, le 3 juillet 2013, doi: doi:10.1057/jors.2013.81, 65, 1305-1314, 2013 |
 | Lamghari Amina, Ferland J.A., Assigning judges to competition of several rounds using tabu search, European Journal of Operational Research, 210(3), 694-705, 2011 |
 | Lamghari Amina, Ferland J.A., Metaheuristic methods based on tabu search for assigning judges to competitions, Annals of Operations Research, 180(1), 33-61, 2010 |
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Étudiants encadrés
Kraiem, Ameni | Doctorat (Ph.D.), Administration |