Membre collaborateur
Patrick Soriano
HEC Montréal, Département des sciences de la décision
HEC Montréal, Pavillon Côte-Sainte-Catherine, bureau M-480
514 340-6821
Dernières publications
Bélanger Valérie, Lanzarone E., Nicoletta V., Ruiz Angel, Soriano Patrick, A recursive simulation-optimization framework for the ambulance location and dispatching Problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 286(2): 713-725, 2020

Bélanger Valérie, Ruiz Angel, Soriano Patrick, Recent optimization models and trends in location, relocation, and dispatching of emergency medical vehicles, European Journal of Operational Research, 272(1), 1-23, 2019

Bélanger Valérie, Kergosien Y., Ruiz Angel, Soriano Patrick, An empirical comparison of relocation strategies in real-time ambulance fleet management, Computers and Industrial Engineering, vol. 94, pp. 216-229, 2016

Pécora J.E., Ruiz Angel, Soriano Patrick, A hybrid collaborative algorithm to solve an integrated wood transportation and paper pulp production problem, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 67(4): 537-550, 2016

Aringhieri R., Landa Paolo, Soriano Patrick, Tànfani E., Testi A., A two level metaheuristic for the operating room scheduling and assignment problem, Computers & Operations Research, 54(C), 21-34, 2015

Kergosien Y., Bélanger Valérie, Soriano Patrick, Gendreau Michel, Ruiz Angel, A generic and flexible simulation-based analysis tool for EMS management, International Journal of Production Research, Special Issue OR in Healthcare, 53(24): 7299-7316, 2015

En savoir plus »»

Bureau de Québec

Pavillon Palasis-Prince, bureau 2415
2325, rue de la Terrasse
Université Laval
Québec (QC) G1V 0A6

Téléphone: 418 656-2073

Télécopieur: 418 656-2624


Bureau de Montréal

Pavillon André Aisenstadt, bureau 3520
2920, chemin de la Tour
Université de Montréal
Montréal (QC) H3T 1J4

Téléphone: 514 343-7575


Dernière mise à jour: 2024-10-07