Options choisies: Auteur: Michel Gendreau Type de publications: Articles publiés (RAC) Année de début: 2020 Année de fin: Mot clé dans le titre: Nom de famille d'un co-auteur: Tri à l'intérieur de chaque année: Ordre alphabétique
Articles publiés (RAC)
Rahmaniani R., Crainic Teodor Gabriel, Gendreau Michel, Rei Walter, An asynchronous parallel Benders decomposition method for stochastic network design problems, Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 162, 106459, 2024
De La Vega Jonathan, Gendreau Michel, Morabito R., Munari P., Ordonez Fernando, An integer L-shaped algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows and stochastic demands, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 308 (2), pp. 676-695, 2023
Cano Butkeraites Renan Brito, de Salles Neto Luiz Leduino, Gendreau Michel, A sampling-based multi-objective iterative robust optimization method for Bandwidth Packing Problem, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 203,117337, 2022
Ghorbani M., Nour El Fath Mustapha, Gendreau Michel, A two-stage stochastic programming model for selective maintenance optimization, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 223, 108480, 2022
Jeihoonian M., Kazemi Zanjani Masoumeh, Gendreau Michel, Dynamic reverse supply chain network design under uncertainty: mathematical modeling and solution algorithm, IFORS, Vol. 29 (5), pp. 3161-3189, 2022
Mohri Seyed Sina, Mohammadi Mehrdad, Gendreau Michel, Ghasemaghaei Ali, Salehi Vahid, Hazardous material transportation problems: A comprehensive overview of models and solution approaches, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 302 (1), pp 1-38, 2022
Rimélé A., Gamache Michel, Gendreau Michel, Grangier P., Rousseau Louis-Martin, Robotic mobile fulfillment systems: a mathematical modelling framework for e-commerce applications, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 60, (11), 2022
Taherkhani G., Bilegan I.-C., Crainic Teodor Gabriel, Gendreau Michel, Rei Walter, Tactical capacity planning in an integrated multi-stakeholder freight transportation system, Omega, Vol. 110, 102628, 2022
Torres F., Gendreau Michel, Rei Walter, Vehicle routing with stochastic supply of crowd vehicles and time windows, Transportation Science, Vol. 56 (3), 631-653, 2022
Yao Zhaosheng, Gendreau Michel, Li M., Ran Lun, Wang Z., Service operations of electric vehicle carsharing systems from the perspectives of supply and demand: A literature review, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2022
Zhang X., Chen L., Gendreau Michel, Langevin André, A branch-and-cut algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with two-dimensional loading constraints, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 302 (1), pp 259-269, 2022
Zhang X., Chen L., Gendreau Michel, Langevin André, A Branch-and-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Two-Dimensional Loading Constraints, Transportation Science, Vol. 56 (6), 2022
Gmira Maha, Gendreau Michel, Lodi Andrea, Potvin Jean-Yves, Tabu search for the time-dependent vehicle routing problem with time windows on a road network, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 288(1), pp. 129-140, 2021
Gmira Maha, Gendreau Michel, Lodi Andrea, Potvin Jean-Yves, Managing in real-time a vehicle routing plan with time-dependent travel times on a road network, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 132, 103379, 2021
Grangier P., Gendreau Michel, Lehuédé F., Rousseau Louis-Martin, The vehicle routing problem with cross-docking and resource constraints, Journal of Heuristics, 27, pp. 31-61, 2021
Mathlouthi I., Gendreau Michel, Potvin Jean-Yves, A metaheuristic based on tabu search for solving a technician routing and scheduling problem, Computers & Operations Research, vol. 125, 105079, 2021
Mathlouthi I., Gendreau Michel, Potvin Jean-Yves, Branch-and-price for a multi-attribute technician routing and scheduling problem, SN Operations Research Forum, Vol. 2 (1), 2021
Mbeutcha Y., Gendreau Michel, Emiel G., Benefit of PARMA modeling for long-term hydroelectric scheduling using stochastic dual dynamic programming, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol. 147 (3), 2021
Mbeutcha Y., Gendreau Michel, Emiel G., A hybrid dynamic programming - Tabu Search approach for the long-term hydropower scheduling problem, Computational Management Science, Vol. 18, pp. 385-410, 2021
Zhang X., Chen L., Gendreau Michel, Langevin André, Learning-Based Branch-and-Price Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Two-Dimensional Loading Constraints, INFORMS, Vol. 34 (3), 2021
Côté Jean-François, Gendreau Michel, Potvin Jean-Yves, The vehicle routing problem with stochastic two-dimensional items, Transportation Science, vol. 54(2), pp. 299-564, 2020
Emde S., Polten L., Gendreau Michel, Logic-based Benders decomposition for scheduling a batching machine, Computers & Operations Research, 113: 104777, 2020
Emde S., Tahirov N., Gendreau Michel, Glock Ch., Routing automated lane-guided transport vehicles in a warehouse handling returns, European Journal of Operational Research, 2020
Fontaine P., Crainic Teodor Gabriel, Minner S., Gendreau Michel, Population-based risk equilibration for the multimode hazmat transport network design problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 284(1), pp. 188-200, 2020
Gmira Maha, Gendreau Michel, Lodi Andrea, Potvin Jean-Yves, Travel speed prediction based on learning methods for home delivery, EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, vol. 9(4), 100006, 2020
Jeihoonian M., Kazemi Zanjani Masoumeh, Gendreau Michel, Dynamic reverse supply chain design under uncertainty: Mathematical modeling and solution algorithm, International Transactions in Operational Research, publié en ligne, 24 août, 2020
Keutchayan J., Munger D., Gendreau Michel, On the scenario-tree optimal-value error for stochastic programming problems, Mathematics of Operations Research, 2020
Loza-Hernandez L., Gendreau Michel, A framework for assessing hazmat risk at nodes of transport networks, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 50, 101854, 2020
Malandra F., Kizilkale A.C., Sirois F., Sanso B., Anjos M.F., Bernier M., Gendreau Michel, Malhamé R.P., Smart Distributed Energy Storage Controller (smartDESC), Energy, vo. 210, 2020
Moreno-Monroy A., Alem D., Gendreau Michel, Munari P., The heterogeneous multicrew scheduling and routing problem in road restoration, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 141, pp. 24-58, 2020
Rahmaniani R., Ahmed S., Crainic Teodor Gabriel, Gendreau Michel, Rei Walter, The benders dual decomposition method, Operations Research, vol. 68(3), pp. 878-895, 2020
Tammam A.I., Anjos M.F., Gendreau Michel, Balancing supply and demand in the presence of renewable generation via demand response for electric water heaters, Annals of Operations Research, 292, pp. 753–770, 2020