Membre collaborateur
José Eduardo Pécora Junior
Universidade Federal do Paraná, Departamento de Administração Geral e Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Paraná  
+55 (41) 3360 4367
Dernières publications
Guimaraes T.A., Schenekemberg C.M., Coelho Leandro C., Scarpin C.T., Pécora J.E., Mechanisms for feasibility and improvement for inventory-routing problems, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 75(1), 26-38, 2024

Lopes Pecora A.T., Fraga R., Ruiz Angel, Frega J.R., Pécora J.E., Project Planning for Improvement in a Healthcare Environment: Developing a Prioritization approach to manage patients' access to the Urodynamics exam, The Journal of Modern Project Management, 8(3), 2022

De Almeida Sfeir T., Pécora J.E., Ruiz Angel, LeBel Luc, Integrating natural wood drying and seasonal trucks' workload restrictions into forestry transportation planning, Omega, Volume 98, 102135, 2021

Schenekemberg C.M., Scarpin C.T., Pécora J.E., Guimaraes T.A., Coelho Leandro C., The two-echelon production-routing problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 288(2), 436-449, 2021

Schenekemberg C.M., Scarpin C.T., Pécora J.E., Guimaraes T.A., Coelho Leandro C., The two-echelon inventory-routing problem with fleet management, Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 121, 104944, 2020

Schenekemberg C.M., Scarpin C.T., Pécora J.E., Guimaraes T.A., Coelho Leandro C., The two-echelon inventory-routing problem with fleet management, Computers & Operations Research, Volume 121, 104944, 2020

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Dernière mise à jour: 2025-03-31