Membre collaborateur
Maha Gmira
Université Euromed de Fès
Université Euromed de Fès  
Dernières publications
Gmira Maha, Gendreau Michel, Lodi Andrea, Potvin Jean-Yves, Tabu search for the time-dependent vehicle routing problem with time windows on a road network, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 288(1), pp. 129-140, 2021

Gmira Maha, Gendreau Michel, Lodi Andrea, Potvin Jean-Yves, Managing in real-time a vehicle routing plan with time-dependent travel times on a road network, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 132, 103379, 2021

Gmira Maha, Gendreau Michel, Lodi Andrea, Potvin Jean-Yves, Travel speed prediction based on learning methods for home delivery, EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, vol. 9(4), 100006, 2020

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Bureau de Québec

Pavillon Palasis-Prince, bureau 2415
2325, rue de la Terrasse
Université Laval
Québec (QC) G1V 0A6

Téléphone: 418 656-1180

Télécopieur: 418 656-2624


Bureau de Montréal

Pavillon André Aisenstadt, bureau 3520
2920, chemin de la Tour
Université de Montréal
Montréal (QC) H3T 1J4

Téléphone: 514 343-7575


Dernière mise à jour: 2025-03-31