Options choisies: Auteur: Zhan Su Type de publications: Articles publiés (RAC) Année de début: 2020 Année de fin: Mot clé dans le titre: Nom de famille d'un co-auteur: Tri à l'intérieur de chaque année: Ordre alphabétique
Articles publiés (RAC)
Karangwa A., Su Zhan, Towards a Multidimensional Model for Evaluating the Sustainable Effect of FDI on the Development of Host Developing Countries: Evidence from Africa, Sustainability, 15(5), 4662, 2023
N'Dri A. B., Su Zhan, Towards a successful learning process of companies from developing countries involved in offshore outsourcing: proposal for an integrative analytical framework, Critical Perspective on International Business, Vol. 19 No. 3, pp. 355-398, 2023
Al-Azad Md. S., Mohiuddin M., Su Zhan, The Client and Service Provider Relationship in IT Outsourcing Project Success: The Moderating Effects of Organizational Attitudes on Knowledge Sharing and Partnership Quality, Journal of Global Information Management, 30(1), 1-27, 2022
Aïhounhin S.P., Su Zhan, Towards a Better Understanding of the Specific Determinants of the Growth of African Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMES), The Journal of Developing Areas, 56(3), 297-307, 2022
Fahinde C., Abodohoui A., Mayuto R., Su Zhan, How Does Institutional Context Influence Entrepreneurship Education Outcomes? Evidence from Two African Countries, Entrepreneurship Research Journal, Published online June 22, 2022
Mohiuddin M., Matei M., Al-Azad Md. S., Su Zhan, ICTs in Knowledge Sharing and Organization Culture: Case Study of a Center for Continuing Education, International Journal of Knowledge Management, 18(1), 1-19, 2022
Aïhounhin S.P., Su Zhan, Issues and Challenges of African Small and Medium Sized Manufacturing Enterprises: The Case of Benin, Journal of Comparative International Management, 24(1), 1-26, 2021
Côté A.-M., Su Zhan, Évolutions de l'intelligence artificielle au travail et collaborations humain-machine, AD machina, No 5, 2021
Mohiuddin M., Al-Azad Md. S., Su Zhan, Information and Communication Technology (ICTs) and Organizational Culture for Knowledge Sharing Strategy: Case Study of a Center for Continuing Education, International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, Volume 15, Issue 2, 2021
Su Zhan, Togay G., Côté A.-M., Artificial intelligence: a destructive and yet creative force in the skilled labour market, Human Resource Development International, 24(3), 341-352, 2021
Abodohoui A., Fahinde C., Mayuto R., Su Zhan, Moderating effects of networks on the relationship between acculturation and entrepreneurial skills development: Evidence from Africans trained in China, International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 20(3), 301-328, 2020
Mohiuddin M., Mazumder M.N.H., Al Mamun A., Su Zhan, Evolution of social microenterprises from rural to the urban area: A study on income-generating micro-entrepreneurs in an urban context, Strategic Change: Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance, 29(4): 435-446, 2020