| Cloutier Marie-Soleil, Lachapelle Ugo, D'Amours-Ouellet A.-A., Bergeron Jacques, Lord S., Torres J., “Outta my way!” Individual and environmental correlates for interactions between pedestrians and vehicles during street crossings, Accident Analysis and Prevention, vol. 104, pp. 36-45, 2017 |
 | Bergeron Jacques, Langlois J., Cheang H.S., An examination of the relationships between cannabis use, driving under the influence of cannabis and risk-taking on the road, Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée, 64(3), 101-109, 2014 |
 | Vallières E., Vallerand R. J., Bergeron Jacques, McDuff P., Intentionality, anger, coping, and ego defensiveness in reactive aggressive driving, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, en ligne, le 12 février 2014, DOI: 10.1111/jasp.12228, 44(5), 354-363, 2014 |
 | Paquette L., Bergeron Jacques, Lacourse E., Autorégulation, pratiques sportives risquées et consommation de psychotropes chez des adolescents adeptes de sports de glisse, Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 44(4), 308-318, 2012 |