Options choisies: Auteur: Bobin Wang Type de publications: Articles publiés (RAC) Année de début: 2020 Année de fin: Mot clé dans le titre: Nom de famille d'un co-auteur: Tri à l'intérieur de chaque année: Ordre alphabétique
Articles publiés (RAC)
Naseri H., Waygood Owen D., Wang Bobin, Patterson Zachary, Interpretable Machine Learning Approach to Predicting Electric Vehicle Buying Decisions, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2677(12), 704-717, 2023
Wang Bobin, Waygood Owen D., Ji X., Naseri H., Loiselle A.L., Daziano R.A., Patterson Zachary, Feinberg M., How to effectively communicate about greenhouse gas emissions with different populations, Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 147, pp. 29-43, 2023
Dong Y., Sun Y., Waygood Owen D., Wang Bobin, Huang P., Naseri H., Insight into the nonlinear effect of COVID-19 on well-being in China: Commuting, a vital ingredient, Journal of Transport & Health, 27, 101526, 2022
Miladi M., Waygood Owen D., Cloutier Marie-Soleil, Wang Bobin, Distractions or Long Waits? Impacts on Risky Crossing Behavior, Journal of Transport & Health, 25, 101435, 2022
Naseri H., Waygood Owen D., Wang Bobin, Patterson Zachary, Application of Machine Learning to Child Mode Choice with a Novel Technique to Optimize Hyperparameters, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(24), 16844, 2022
Naseri H., Waygood Owen D., Wang Bobin, Patterson Zachary, Daziano R.A., A Novel Feature Selection Technique to Better Predict Climate Change Stage of Change, Sustainability, 14(1), 40, 1-23, 2022
Waygood Owen D., Wang Bobin, Daziano R.A., Patterson Zachary, Kohlova M.B., The climate change stage of change measure: vehicle choice experiment, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 65(7), 1210-1239, 2022
Zhang X., Shao C., Wang Bobin, Huang S., Travel Mode Choice Analysis with Shared Mobility in Context of COVID-19, Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 22(2), 186-196, 2022
Zhang X., Shao C., Wang Bobin, Huang S., The Impact of COVID-19 on Travel Mode Choice Behavior in Terms of Shared Mobility: A Case Study in Beijing, China, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(12), 7130, 1-19, 2022
Zhang X., Shao C., Wang Bobin, Huang S., Mi X., Zhuang Y., Exploring the Role of Shared Mobility in Alleviating Private Car Dependence and On-Road Carbon Emissions in the Context of COVID-19, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 1-9, 2022
Zhang X., Shao C., Wang Bobin, Huang S., Yang X., Car Purchase Intention Modeling in the Context of COVID-19: An Integrated Analysis of Impact Range and Impact Asymmetry, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2022, 9401386, 1-15, 2022
Daziano R.A., Waygood Owen D., Patterson R.A., Feinberg M., Wang Bobin, Reframing greenhouse gas emissions information presentation on the Environmental Protection Agency's new-vehicle labels to increase willingness to pay, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 279, papier 123669, 14 pages, 2021
Wang Bobin, Waygood Owen D., Daziano R.A., Patterson Zachary, Feinberg M., Does hedonic framing improve people's willingness-to-pay for vehicle greenhouse gas emissions?, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, vol. 98, papier 102973, 2021
Waygood Owen D., Boisjoly Geneviève, Manaugh Kevin, Sener Ipek N., Wang Bobin, Sun Y., Friman M., Olsson L., Do You Miss Your Friends? Life Satisfaction during the Second Wave of Covid-19, Journal of Transport & Health, Vol. 22, Supplement, 101171, 2021