Dernières publications
 | Faghih-Imani A., Eluru Naveen, El-Geneidy Ahmed M., Rabbat M., Haq U., How does land-use and urban form impact bicycle flows: Evidence from the bicycle-sharing system (BIXI) in Montreal, Journal of Transport Geography, en ligne, 18 février doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2014.01.013, 41, 306-314, 2014 |
 | Faghih-Imani A., Ghafghazi G., Eluru Naveen, Pinjari A., A multiple-discrete approach for examining vehicle type use for daily activity participation decisions, Transportation Letters, 6(1), 1-13, 2014 |
 | Sobhani A., Eluru Naveen, Faghih-Imani A., A latent segmentation based multiple discrete continuous extreme value model, Transportation Research B, 58, 154-169, 2013 |